
Through the survey and workshop, we were able to collect intergral information about the current landscape and how stakeholders are interacting with it. With the personal interviews, we wanted to dive deeper into the roles and responsiblities of individuals, the role existing data and system plays in their workflows, and what would an ideal system look like for them.

The rationale for taking such an approach was to understand how a new solution can fit into the existing workflows of the key stakeholders and simplify it, rather than expecting them to modify their approaches which have been cultivated and refined over time.


The following were the key areas of discussion with the Stakeholders during the interviews:

  • Role of the stakeholder (What is the stakeholder accountable for in the ecosystem)

  • What does a working day look like for the stakeholder? (What all activity they conduct or are involved in)

  • What kind of data sets does the stakeholder interact with? (Names and description of data sets)

  • How is that data beneficial for the stakeholder? (What purpose does the data solve and how does the stakeholder take corrective action based on it)

  • What all challenges are faced by the stakeholder with respect to the ecosystem, frameworks or data?

  • Dream and aspiration with respect to data and ecosystem (Expectations)

The final script for the personal interviews can be accessed here.


All the information from the interviews was synthesied and captured in Stakeholder Insight Maps capturing the roles and responsiblities, type of information they ineract with, challenges faced and aspirations of a dream ecosystem.

These interviews informed the creation of user personas, journeys for all types of primary and secondary stakeholders. The personas and journeys were then used to envision a possible solution for the needs and aspirations of the stakeholders.


  • An information sheet was shared with the participants to outline the objectives and process of the interview.

  • A consent form was shared with the participants articulating the terms of the interview and to prepare accordingly.

  • The interviews spanned between 60-90 mins and were conducted over Microsoft Teams.

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